sea scape

passage planning

preparation, documents, sustenance and legal.

why is passage making different to coastal sailing?

offshore conditions

wind, waves and open-reef anchoring in strong winds

yacht maintenence


Following on from proactive maintenance, is general preparation. Finding crew that meet the right fit can be extremely difficult.

Friends and family more often than not, are unable to grasp the dictatorial authority that guides their own safety, and take offence at being told what to do.

I have examples from others where their crews never speak again.

Crews need some level of first hand experience with the vessel, navigation, and fatigue management.

Those who have done consecutive nights of nightshift, will totally understand fatigue. This fatigue leads to abrupt discussions and lack of concentration relying on what they have been taught, in particular ROTE learning procedures.

Reading on these issues is fine but as you see here, you would have forgotten this by tomorrow.

We can strongly encourage you to find courses that specialise is this such as the OFFSHORE PREPARATION COURSE designed by John Hembrow. It WILL open your eyes.

sailing crew manual

Documents & Legal

Crew need guidance and instruction to comply with the offshore safety standards required. What is this safety standard? Well actually it's written in legislation of various countries.

In Australia, it's very clear with regard 'duty-of-care' and 'well being of the crew' in the Maritime legislation. Just because your crew are not being paid, doesn't mean they are exempt.

This can only come about with a document of some sort. We have made a CREW MANUAL for this purpose, solely for Offshore crew.

While this may be seen as over-the-top or over-bearing, the crew once completing our Modules, understand why they may need this manual. We call it our 'How to...manual'.

If the captain is incapacitated, crew should feel confident in getting the manual, then simply read and do.

The focus is a safe teamwork environment, and it starts at the top. If crew feel positively guided, they normally embrace direction.

sailboat food


The chances of quickly cooking some fish or making a stew, will be extremely limited to days of smooth waters.

Diets present a huge issue, in fact on mySerenity, offshore crew with diets present a huge challenge. 

Chancing cooking food over gas or boiling water in pots whilst on passage, is fraught with danger. A burn will severely hamper the team and their morale. To a lesser extent, using a sharp knife can cause cuts to the feet if it falls.

Being proactive with food management is key. Cold liquids with cordial additives provides fluids and sugars.

Pouring boiling fluids can only be done in our sinks. If you want a coffee, you make it in the sink.

Meals are pre-made and heated in a microwave. The throw away container leaves little to wash. These meals include stews, macaroni, curries and braises.

This needs careful planning.